The Civil Rights Movement
a. Started in 1950
b. Political movement of equality before the laws, improving Legal rights.c. Chicano Movement - Sought political empowerment and social inclusion of the Mexicans
American-Indian Movement -Violent protest gatherings resulting in 2 deaths
d. President John F Kennedy supported it.
e. Outcome is African Americans are as equal as whites.f. In relation to the book, Atticus fought for Tom Robinson’s rights, although they were of different races and did not discriminate him.
Montgomery bus boycott and Scottsboro trials
a. Both fought for the rights of blacks because the transport system was biased towards the whites.b. In Scottsboro trials, a black man was accused of rape that he did not commit.
c. Similar to the book under same conditions, both black men were accused of rape they did not do.
Trails of a true Southern Belle and Southern Gentleman
a. Southern Belle
- Proper etiquette
Southern Gentleman
b. Penmanship and ballroom dancing
c. Pictures of Southern ladies and gentlemen.

d. Atticus : Gentlemen, impartial, polite
Bob Ewell: Ruthless, violent and exercises discrimination
Harper Lee
a. Born in 1926 in Alabana
b. Studied law at the University of Alabana
c. Helped write “ In Cold Blood”
d. Received Pulitzer Award 1961
e. It was significant to her as it was auto-biographical
a. Southern Belle
- Proper etiquette
Southern Gentleman
b. Penmanship and ballroom dancing
c. Pictures of Southern ladies and gentlemen.

Bob Ewell: Ruthless, violent and exercises discrimination
Harper Lee
a. Born in 1926 in Alabana
b. Studied law at the University of Alabana
c. Helped write “ In Cold Blood”
d. Received Pulitzer Award 1961
e. It was significant to her as it was auto-biographical
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